Lapland travel information
Lapland is an area in northern Europe, north of the Arctic Circle, and boasts breathtaking landscapes.
It is divided between the states of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. It also includes part of the settlement area of ​​the Sami, an indigenous people who settled in this region around 2100 years ago.
However, over time, the Sami people were mostly pushed north by the Swedish population. Especially the traces from the Neolithic Age testify to a hunter and fisherman culture and to a long and interesting history of Lapland.
As early as the Viking Age, the terrain between the Norwegian king and the Russian tsar was divided and taxed. Furthermore, the southern part of Lapland has been divided into a Swedish and a Finnish area since 1809.
Very worth seeing in Lapland is the impressive natural landscape, the gigantic ski areas and the numerous hiking trails, which offer optimal conditions for hikers and nature lovers.
The geographical altitude of Lapland increases from east to west until it reaches a number of mountains up to 2000 meters high at the Swedish border. Most of Lapland is made up of what is said to be the largest national park complex in all of Europe, nicknamed 'Europe's last wilderness'.
Reindeer, moose, wolves and bears are among many other animal species native to Lapland and offer every nature photographer an ideal postcard motif.

Regionen und Städte Lapplands
Hier erfahren Sie mehr über die Regionen Lappland
Hier erfahren Sie mehr über die Städte Lappland